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January 2022


Shedding Light




The agendas and corruption are growing more apparent and equally a growing number of us becoming more aware of this. 


 I consider the below listed worthy of a glimpse - at the  very least


Attorney Thomas Renz

Karen Kingston

Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

Dr Robert Malone

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 


As censorship and cancelling anyone, who questions the MSM, government, technology and pharmaceutical giants, irrespective of their knowledge and expertise in their professional fields, is hugely concerning and needs a redress and rebalance, It is of utmost and fundamental importrance that we stop the dictactorial, bullying and intrusion that has substantially and negatively impacted our rights, including, the autonomy of our body, freedom of speech and liberty to interact with others.  We must not allow our lives to be eroded or destroyed further.   I would also invite you to look at



Update - July 2021



It is inordinately shocking to me the politicising and agendas and power grabs that comprompromise us each. Although I could speak 10,000 words about this, of which would be silenced, I will adhere to my own values and remain resolute, to offering what I can and supporting others as best as I am able.


I do think we each should be aware of how the coronavirus,  as released from China has impacted beyond, infecting people and how governments, and central banks are in a toxic play at our expense.  The buying back of  bonds by governments  to support the stock market and exchange, truly says it all and where global quantitative easing is now in the the tens of trillions and the complicitity and corruption therein, simply renders me mute with spittle.  I am mindful where  economists, who are paid a fortune are leading us further in to a black hole and likewise the Sage advisors all of whom are rather reductive, whilst feathering their nests, in my opinion. 


None of these systems work and only because my personal liberty was impacted so severely, due to the extended lockdowns, did I start looking at these structures and lies, of which, we the tax payer support, with no choice unfortunately.


Also, might we bear in mind, that these vaccines are being experimented on the human populus and indemnified from any future adverse health impacts and not approved by the registered systems and that protocols have been sidelined in this instance.  I am equally aware of how there is no open debate and where experts in the field of research, analysis and medical expertise are literally silenced, vanished and sacked.  It concerns me and I think it should concern you too.  There has been a white wash and threat to those of proven worth in the fields, of epidimiology, data analaysis and other related areas, who literally are unable to acquire data, including those at the top of that field. Let's firstly, question why there is no forum, within government, social media, main stream media, where any counter argument, question, alternative choices is even allowed discussion, or to be heard.  


Also why are all adverse affects, regarding the vaccines removed promptly when posted online, It is shocking, and primarily the very governments who hold power, do so in a rather blinkered way, 


No politician or government worker has been financially impacted as far as I am aware, as they continue to spout their limited grasp on matters and roll out more lockdowns and decimate more lives, more businesses etc 


In these past 15 months there has been historically, the biggest transfer of wealth to the top 5% who were already wealthy and evidenced the adverse cost to countries, businesses, families, services, infrastructure and individuals across the globe. 



It seems that we have a two tier system now, following on from the supposed day of freedom!  Of which those who are vaccinated are allowed a broader freedom and those who are not vaccinated are not permitted the same freedom.  Another false goal post of hope, tied up in lies and agendas. with the introduction of domestic passports, coming in this September. 


I wonder  potentially that, in order to maintain a valid domestic passport  whether  booster jabs will be necessary.    


We have no idea of the longterm impact physiologically regarding these vaccines of which are being promoted by our government


I would suggest duckduckgo,com for a less censored online search


Disclaimer . The above stated are my personal views 


There is not a more important time to look within and utilise our inner srengths to ride this rocky path.


I wish you well


I wish you strength


I wish you peace and freedom


Positive group conciousness will amass more impetus amongst these restrictive times



We are each spirit experiencing this physical life


To love, to trust, to truth, to faith

 To living fully and thriving


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